Join Us


Viewpoint Community Media is set up as an ‘Association’ model of CIO. Our members are other local Community & Voluntary Sector organisations.  For a list of current members, please view our Members page.

It is currently free to become a VCM member and benefits include:

  • Access to subsidised or free training opportunities
  • Access to promotional services
  • Voting on who runs the organisation (Trustees)
  • Influencing our priorities and how we operate

If you would like to join our membership, please click here.

Board of Trustees

We are currently seeking to expand our Board of Trustees and will be holding an election at our next AGM later this year.  We may choose to co-opt board members between AGM’s, especially for key roles such as Treasurer, Secretary and Fundraiser, so please do not hesitate to contact us sooner if you are interested in the role.

If you are interested in becoming a Trustee please email


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